We have now started our campaign ”Picking cloudberries to oppose uranium mine”. We have been out in the mires for several days now since Saturday 25th of July. There are plenty of berries to pick! We started a little bit too early, though – the season is late this year because of the cold weather we have had this summer.
The idea is that the participants give us about the half of the berries to cover the costs of the project ”Ingen urangruva vid Torneälven” (No uranium mine along the Torne River) and particularly to support the forest inventory camp from 15th to 21st of August 2015 in the Rompas area.
The picking took place in Rompas the first day but afterwards we have been out in the mires of the eco municipality Övertorneå to minimize the costs of traveling.
In the chart you can see the results of the picking so far. Note that there are also shown some pickers who doesn’t participate with the project, but it´s interesting to see how much picking cloudberries can give both in amount of berries and in amount of income. An indication of nature having other values than big holes in the ground.
The price of the cleaned cloudberries is 150 SEK/kg (about 16 €) and cloudberry jam 200 SEK/kg (about 21 €).
The weight doesn’t necessarily match exactly because the berries have been cleaned after the picking when they are being weighed.
Photos from the mires are to be found behind the links that are the names of the mires in the chart.
Day | Place | Picker | Kg | Value in SEK | To project |
Saturday 25th of July | Svanstein | Ilja Ingemar Mia Urpo | 0,5 1 2 0,3 => 3,8 kg | 75 150 300 45 => 570 kr | - - - 20 => 20 kr |
Tuesday 28th of July | Rompas | Birgit Ilja Jacqueline Urpo | 2,2* 2,8 2* 1,7* => 8,7 kg | 330 420 300 255 => 1305 kr | 225 kr - 225 kr - => 450 kr |
Wednesday 29th of July | Jänkisjärvi | Birgit Ilja Jacqueline Kerstin Urpo | 3,6 3,8 3,6 2,4 2* => 15,4 kg | 540 570 540 360 300 => 2310 kr | - - - 260 kr *jam 3/8 => 260 kr |
Thursday 30th of July | Svanstein | Ilja Kerstin Urpo | 3,4 1,4 3,8 => 8,6 kg | 510 210 600 => 1290 kr | - 210 300 => 510 kr |
Friday 31th of July | Juoksengi | Ilja | 2,6 kg | 390 kr | - |
Saturday 1th of August | Juoksengi | Ilja | 3,5 kg | 525 kr | - |
Sunday 2nd of August | Svanstein | Ilja Tomas Urpo | 2 2,65 2 => 6,65 kg | 300 397 300 => 1000 kr | - 200 150 => 350 kr |
Monday 3rd of August | Juoksengi Processing and selling | Jam: * Birgit + Jacqueline 0,6 kg * Urpo 2,8 kg + own bought 2 kg | 5,4 kg jam + 3,1 kg sugar = 8,4 kg | 1520 kr minus expences (=520 kr) = 1000 kr (about 185 kr/kg for jam, about 2,5 times more than for berries) | 1000 kr |
Monday 3rd of August | Juoksengi | Ilja | 3,4 kg | 510 kr | - |
Tuesday 4th of August | Juoksengi | Ilja | 3,4 kg | 510 kr | - |
Wednesday 5th of August | Vyöni | Ilja | 5 kg | 750 kr | - |
Thursday 6th of August | Vyöni | Ilja Urpo | 5,2 kg 2 kg => 7,2 kg | 780 kr 300 kr => 1080 kr | - 150 kr => 150 kr |
Friday 7th of August | Vyöni | Ilja Urpo Karolina | 5,1 kg 0,8 kg 0,8 kg => 6,7 kg | 765 kr 120 kr 120 kr => 1005 kr | - 60 kr 60 kr => 120 kr |
Saturday 8th of August | Vyöni Svanstein | Ilja Urpo | 4 kg 0,5 kg => 4,5 kg | 600 kr 75 kr => 675 kr | - 40 kr => 40 kr |
Sunday 8th of August | Vyöni | Ilja | 5 kg | 750 kr | - |
Monday 8th of August | Vyöni | Ilja | 7,4 kg | 1110 kr | - |
SUM | 33 picker days | 91,8 kg | 13.780 kr About 1436 € | 2900 kr About 302 € | |
Woud You like to support the camp with the cloudberries you have picked? Pick where you are and place the money in the Övertorneå Naturskyddsförenings bank account in Sparbanken Nord, account number 8264-4 123 016 654-6. When you pay abroad you need these:
IBAN: SE91 8000 0826 4412 3016 6546
Add your name and a message ”cloudberry”. The money will cover the expenses of the camp and the work of Övertorneå Naturskyddsförening against the uranium mine plans of the area. Inform also us with email that you have participated, your name and the amount of the berries.
Would you like to come and pick or would you like to know more?
Please contact Urpo Taskinen,+46 70 629 58 02 (Swedish mobile) and + 358 50 931 87 49 (Finnish mobile), urpo.taskinen@naturskyddsforeningen.se
Cloudberries the 30th of July 2015. Here they are. And much more to be found. Just come and pick. Photo Urpo Taskinen.